Exploring Various Methods to Install and Remove VLC on Linux

Prateek Srivastava
6 min readJan 2, 2024


Introduction to VLC:

VLC (VideoLAN Client) is a popular open-source multimedia player renowned for its versatility and compatibility with a broad range of audio and video formats. Developed by the VideoLAN project, VLC has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, extensive codec support, and cross-platform availability.

History of VLC:

VLC traces its roots back to 1996 when the project was initiated as an academic project at the École Centrale Paris. Over the years, it evolved into a robust, feature-rich multimedia player and, in 2001, the VideoLAN project was officially established. VLC has since become a go-to choice for users across the globe, providing a seamless multimedia experience.

What is VLC and Why is it Used?

VLC, short for VideoLAN Client, is a versatile and open-source multimedia player that supports a vast array of audio and video formats. It is widely used for several reasons:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: VLC is available for various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, making it accessible to a wide user base.
  • Codec Support: VLC supports an extensive range of audio and video codecs, allowing users to play media files without the need for additional plugins or codec installations.
  • Streaming Capabilities: VLC can act as a media server or client, enabling users to stream multimedia content over networks.
  • Customization: Advanced users appreciate VLC’s customizable features, including the ability to install additional skins and extensions.
  • Open Source: Being open source, VLC is continually developed and improved by a global community of contributors, ensuring regular updates and bug fixes.

Different Ways to Install VLC on Linux:

1. Using Package Managers:

A. Debian-based Systems (Ubuntu, Debian):

# Update package information
sudo apt update

# Install VLC
sudo apt install vlc

B. Red Hat-based Systems (Fedora, CentOS):

# Install VLC on Fedora
sudo dnf install vlc

# Install VLC on CentOS
sudo yum install vlc

2. Snap Package:

# Install VLC using Snap
sudo snap install vlc

3. Flatpak:

# Install Flatpak:
sudo dnf install flatpak

# Add Flathub Repository:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

# Install VLC:
flatpak install flathub org.videolan.VLC
# Run VLC:
flatpak run org.videolan.VLC

4. Compiling from Source:

# Install build dependencies on Debian-based systems
sudo apt build-dep vlc

# Install build dependencies on Red Hat-based systems
sudo dnf builddep vlc
# Clone the VLC source code
git clone https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc.git
cd vlc

# Run the bootstrap script

# Configure the build

# Compile the source code

# Install the compiled binaries to the system
sudo make install

Please note that these steps assume you have the necessary build tools and dependencies installed on your system. If any dependencies are missing, the ./configure step will notify you, and you'll need to install those dependencies before proceeding.

Also, keep in mind that building software from source requires a certain level of expertise and is typically done by advanced users or developers who are familiar with the build process and potential issues that may arise.

5. Using Docker:

# Run VLC in a Docker container
docker run -it --rm --privileged=true --device=/dev/snd:/dev/snd -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --net=host jess/vlc

Uninstalling VLC:

1. Using Package Managers:

A. Debian-based Systems (Ubuntu, Debian):

# Remove VLC
sudo apt remove vlc

# Optionally, remove residual configurations
sudo apt purge vlc

B. Red Hat-based Systems (Fedora, CentOS):

# Remove VLC on Fedora
sudo dnf remove vlc

# Remove VLC on CentOS
sudo yum remove vlc

2. Snap Package:

# Remove VLC installed via Snap
sudo snap remove vlc

3. Flatpak:

# Remove VLC installed via Flatpak
flatpak uninstall org.videolan.VLC

4. Compiling from Source:

# Navigate to the VLC source code directory
cd /path/to/vlc

# Uninstall VLC
sudo make uninstall

5. Using Docker:

To remove VLC, simply exit the Docker container. The --rm flag used during container creation ensures its removal upon exit.

docker rm -f jess/vlc


  1. Interface Preferences:
  • Open VLC and go to Tools > Preferences.
  • Choose the desired interface under the Interface section. The default is usually fine, but you can explore and choose based on your preferences.

2. Video and Audio Settings:

  • In the preferences, go to Input/Codecs.
  • Adjust settings such as hardware-accelerated decoding, subtitle handling, etc., based on your needs.

3. Network Settings (Optional):

  • If you plan to use VLC for streaming or as a server, you can configure network settings in the preferences.

4. Advanced Preferences:

  • For advanced users, explore additional settings under All in preferences. Adjust based on specific requirements.

5. Check for Updates (Optional):

  • Periodically check for updates by running:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Now you should have VLC installed and configured on your Linux system. Open VLC from the applications menu or launch it from the terminal using the vlc command.

Remember that VLC is highly customizable, so feel free to explore the settings and tailor it to your preferences.


Below are the steps to install VLC on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system without registering with the Red Hat Subscription Manager:

Step 1: Enable Optional Repositories

sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-9-server-optional-rpms

This command enables the optional repositories on your RHEL system.

Step 2: Install EPEL and RPMFusion Repositories

sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-9.noarch.rpm

These commands install the EPEL and RPMFusion repositories, which provide additional packages, including VLC.

Step 3: Check VLC Availability

sudo dnf info vlc

This command checks the availability of VLC in the repositories.

Step 4: Install VLC

sudo dnf install vlc

This command installs VLC on your RHEL system.

Now, you should have VLC successfully installed on your RHEL system. If you encounter any dependency issues during installation, you can manually install the required dependencies before trying to install VLC again.

Keep in mind that while this approach allows you to install VLC without directly registering with the Red Hat Subscription Manager, using a valid subscription and registering your system is recommended for security, stability, and support reasons, especially in a production environment.

In conclusion, VLC stands as a reliable and feature-rich multimedia player, meeting the diverse needs of users and providing a seamless playback experience for various media formats. Choose the installation method that best suits your Linux distribution and preferences to enjoy VLC’s robust capabilities.

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Prateek Srivastava
Prateek Srivastava

Written by Prateek Srivastava

Motivated and innovative professional with 6 years of versatile experience spanning Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and Research & Development (R&D).

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